Anti-racism Committee (ARC)

Anti-Racism Committee Charge

2020年11月, the University of Redlands’ 教师, 工作人员, 董事会发表了一份声明,申明威尼斯人平台拒绝一切形式的种族主义,并表示致力于制定反种族主义行动计划. While the University has been eng年龄d in addressing diversity, 股本, 和包容 issues, it is crucial that we honestly and directly address the issue of racism in our community. 我们意识到,反种族主义必须包括对交叉性的关注,这项工作需要确保我们大学社区所有成员的平等. 我们也认识到这项工作对个人的影响,并感谢我们的校园社区已经完成的工作, by individuals and through multiple groups, to address these issues and improve our community.

To actualize our commitment as stated in our Anti-Racist Statement, the Anti-Racism Committee (ARC) is hereby established with the following goals and charges. The ARC will identify, 评估, 并就任何未能促进多样性最佳实践的大学系统提出建议, 股本, 和包容, including those that may have a potential disparate impact on historically excluded populations. The ARC will also monitor the implementation of its recommended policies and practices, developing further recommendations or revisions as needed to improve effectiveness. 鉴于我们的目标是提高所有人对这个对我们的大学和我们的国家有深远影响的关键问题的认识, we must commit to this work. This work is conducted not only for our current 学生, 教师, and 工作人员 but also for future generations.

ARC将与董事会DEI委员会和大学的高级领导层合作,以确定, 更好地理解, and address any inequities (current or historic) faced by Black, 土著, 拉丁美洲/ a / x, and other people of color. ARC将帮助确保大学不参与任何有不同的实践, 对这些人群的意外影响,同时建议下一步采取措施解决这些做法对我们选区的影响. 这项工作是在了解大学促进多样性的长期历史的基础上完成的, 股本, 和包容,并承认大学有坚定的承诺,不断改善我们的工作,以促进包容性卓越. The ARC will also review policies and practices to identify needed improvements to promote diversity, 股本, 和包容 of all racial groups. ARC将在大学反种族主义声明中提出的基础上,制定一项拟议的反种族主义行动计划,并将其纳入大学战略计划的目标和目的.

ARC的工作将基于一个核心原则,即我们都有责任消除阻碍学生成功的制度障碍,并为大学社区的每个成员提供考虑, 正义, 尊重, 机会, and support to en性别 success.

To accomplish this charge, the ARC will 评估 and make recommendations[1] 关于:

  • The development of key metrics related to diversity, 股本, 和包容 in collaboration with Institutional Excellence. These metrics will be reviewed, 共享, and 评估d to understand better where the University has made progress and where work is needed.
  • 招聘, 招聘, 以及在入职过程中,在大学的各个层面提供更多的种族代表性:高级领导, 教师, 工作人员, and graduate and undergraduate 学生, 但有一项了解,即校董会致力于使其成员进一步多样化.
  • Ability of all 学生, particularly historically underrepresented 学生, to access the University’s programs of distinction, including honor programs and societies, scholarship selection, and competitive degree programs.
  • The diversity of programs and speakers who present on campus.
  • Setting expectations for how each person will treat, 尊重, and include people of color.
  • 政策, 程序, and practices that are identified as potentially having a disproportionate and negative impact on Black, 土著, 拉丁美洲/ a / x, and people of color.
  • How to improve University processes, 程序, 或者在同等的基础上优先考虑促进学生的成功和所有学生的学术成就, regardless of race or ethnicity.
  • 促进教育平等的课程设置和教学方法,确保大学提供包含历史的教育, 成就, 文化, 视角, and the challenges facing people of color. 这些建议应该包括如何使种族和种族主义历史成为我们课程的核心,并就这些关键问题教育所有学生.
  • 促进教师在教学实践中的专业发展,吸引有色人种学生,解决歧视性行为(如微侵犯),以确保所有课程的所有学生都能获得包容性的课堂体验.
  • The recently conducted campus climate surveys and how to improve the campus climate for people of color, including when and how to conduct future campus climate surveys.
  • 在整个校园的命名和图像的多样性的表现,并建议机会,使改进和/或提供历史背景.
  • 校园安全以及如何确保学生在与校园公共安全或当地警察互动时感到安全, balanced with the need to ensure 公共安全 can keep our campus safe and respond to campus crises.
  • 确保为学生提供充分和平等的支持服务,同时确保这些资源能够应对和帮助那些受到历史和系统性种族主义影响的社会影响的学生.
  • Education/training/professional development for our 教师, 工作人员, 学生, and the broader community on anti-racism.
  • 如何最好地解决交叉性问题以及这些问题可能对黑人产生的更重大影响, 土著, 拉丁美洲/ a / x, and people of color.

ARC将注意通过其他委员会和团体在校园开展的多样性和包容性工作,并将与这些团体合作和沟通,将他们的工作与这些不同团体的收费和目的相结合. ARC will provide regular reports to the President, the President’s Cabinet, and the Board of Trustees DEI Committee, including their recommendations on the issues set forth herein. 总统 and the President’s Cabinet will decide which recommendations to accept, 下降, or modify and report those decisions to the campus community when ARC provides their regular updates. 总统, President’s Cabinet, DEI委员会将确保需要董事会作出决定或制定政策的建议将通过董事会的DEI委员会提交董事会审议.

ARC will not take on the work of the 第九条 and Equity Office and thus will not hear, 调查, 裁决, 上诉聆讯, 或以其他方式回应任何关于歧视的索赔或指控,或个人关于公平和包容的索赔或投诉. 然而, 本委员会的建议可为第九条与公平办公室的工作或指导该办公室的政策或程序提供信息.

In coordination with the President and President’s Cabinet, ARC将向校园社区提供年度报告,并举办年度论坛,进行交流和对话. In addition, ARC will provide an update at least once between annual reports on its work. 最新情况将包括关于其建议获得通过以及这些建议得到执行的结果和效力的信息.


  • 高级的多样性 & Inclusion Officer, Christopher Jones (Co-chair)
  • 教职员、博士. Adriana Alvarado (Co-chair)
  • Associate Provost, Professional Development and Eng年龄d Learning, Kelly Dries
  • Dean of the School of Education, Mario Martinez
  • Native Student Programs Director, Nora Pulskamp
  • Assistant Director of Enrollment, School of Education, Kay Thomas
  • Faculty Representative
  • Student Representative
  • 校友 Representative
  • BSFSAA Representative
  • UCIC Representative


[1] 看到“A Framework for Advancing Anti-Racism Strategy on Campus,” National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education (2021).

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